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Measuring Impact and SROI

NPOs have three purposes:

1.    To make a difference
2.    To generate income
3.    To tell people about the good work they do

Without any impact data you won’t know if your NPO is making a difference, you’ll struggle to generate income and you won’t have any data to showcase the good work you do.  

But impact measurement and SROI (Social Return on Investment) are often seen as complicated, confusing and time consuming, so many NPOs don’t bother with it.  

What if you could apply a lean approach to impact measurement?  One that makes impact measurement simple and easy to implement, whilst still providing valid impact data to help you better communicate the difference your NPO makes to funders, commissioners and corporate partners?  Alongside this stand out from other organisations by using SROI to value your impact and the potential savings you generate for statutory agencies.  

If you can successfully measure your impact and calculate your SROI, your NPO will be in a stronger position.

Ziel & Zielgruppe

This one day seminar (two half days) focuses on giving you the practical skills and know-how to measure your impact and calculate your SROI for greater success with funding, tenders and investment.

In this seminar you will explore the importance of measuring your impact, how you can make it manageable and effective regardless of the size of your NPO and the resources you have available. You will develop your theory of change so you are clear about exactly what you want to measure and we will consider a range of tools that are available to capture impact data. You will learn how to use and calculate the SROI (Social Return on Investment) for your NPO.

The target groups for this seminar are Executive Board Members and Managing Directors with strategic responsibility for impact, Fundraising Directors, Bid Writers, Monitoring and Evaluation leads, people interested in the topic of SROI and impact measurement and those who would like to become impact consultants.


You’ll cover:

  • Introduction to impact measurement – taking a lean approach
  • Why measuring impact is important
  • Theory of Change
  • Ways to collect your impact data
  • The purpose of SROI and when to use it
  • How SROI is calculated
  • Examples of impact surveys, systems, reports and SROI calculations

Sollten Sie Fragen zu diesem Kurs oder zu Fördermöglichkeiten haben, rufen Sie uns bitte unter +49 30 920 383 9994 an oder schicken Sie uns eine E-Mail an Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme.
