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Project Management "compact" for Nonprofit Organisations

The importance of professional project management for non-profit organisations (NPOs) is increasing. The existing NPO structures have to be adapted to today's requirements for modern management of organisations, public donors also require professional project management for the awarding and financing of (EU) projects, and last but not least, donors trust those organisations that can convince them through professional and economic project management.

During the course of the seminar, you will learn planning principles and execution methods so your projects can be run more effectively and efficiently at work.

Following the motto "Tell me how your project starts, and I'll tell you how it ends", you’ll discover the language and frameworks for scoping projects, sequencing activities, utilizing resources, and minimising risks and you will be given modern project management tools to master these tasks.

Ziel & Zielgruppe

This seminar conveys a tried and tested approach to the professional management of projects and highlights central challenges as well as the most effective methods and tools to deal with them confidently. The pragmatic approach is ideal for bringing projects of any size and type to a successful conclusion.

The target groups of this seminar are managers, executives, project managers and project team members, and persons, who are interested or involved in projects.


  • Basics: What is a project? What is project management?
  • The four phases of project management
    • Initialization phase
    • Planning phase
    • Coordination phase (monitoring)
    • Project closing (evaluation)
  • Tips and tricks and how to avoid pitfalls
  • New approaches in project management
  • Differences agile vs. classical project management
  • Managing of agile projects
  • Alternative methods for project execution: Scrum, and Kanban

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