SELECT id,title,subtitle,teaser,alias,semco_id FROM tl_calendar_events WHERE id IN (217,368,38,162,359,425,211,400,423,399,197,492,358,421,176,493,362,424,72,364,43,124,360,422,370,393,387,510,323,213,221,372,418,483,499,394,478,505,204,225,369,409,371,411,219,220,467,222,104,413,366,449,459,426,36,456,476,506,458,482,457,477,382,481,507,466,234,268,257,374,380,454,308,432,353,445,226,447,480,462,439,227,461,228,460,403,453,224,365,412,471,438,469,465,472,473,404,437,102,378,452,402,448,161,470,313,442,484,53,446,198,210,235,491,397,429,464,377,381,379,319,441,430,334,419,163,134,187,183,361,415,475,416,376,450,479,396,398,262,485,490,159,497,498,503,504,515,517,489,494,495,500,487,488,502,513) ORDER BY startTime DESC

Successful Capital Campaigns

Capital campaigns differ from other forms of fundraising in that they are massive projects that can span several years and can raise millions but cost thousands. As such, capital campaigns require a targeted fundraising effort with specific phases to fund a significant capital project.

Whereas other types of campaigns will have general goals and benchmarks to aim for, the goals of a capital campaign are more specific and clearly laid out as the campaign progresses through its phases. The end goal of a capital campaign is usually something concrete, for example, a building, a major refurbishment, equipment, or land acquisition.

The distinct phases of capital campaigns set them apart from other forms of fundraising in that they offer an obvious delineation between private fundraising and public appeals.

Ziel & Zielgruppe

Capital Campaigns are one of the most effective ways to raise large amounts of funds over a specific period of time. But, a capital campaign is often a large scale undertaking which requires a number of staff, board members, and volunteers working together to deliver a complex project successfully.

This two-day workshop is invaluable for anyone who wants to understand the importance of investing in capital campaigns and will help not-for-profit organisations raise funds for significant capital projects. It will enable participants to understand how specialist, specifically targeted fundraising campaigns with distinct phases can improve the chance of success for funding a capital project.

This is a must for representatives from organisations who are considering embarking on a capital campaign or are in the early planning stages from chief executives, fundraisers, and the trustees who support them.
Consultants and fundraising specialists will also find it adds a new and vital dimension to the advice services they are able to offer their NPO clients.


  • This practical two-day workshop will ensure you have the knowledge and tools required to plan, manage, and close a successful capital campaign; avoiding the common pitfalls and helping you to meet your goals.
    • Background and scene setting
    • Benefits in having a capital appeal
    • Understanding what’s necessary
    • Outline of the key phases
    • Pitfalls and avoiding them
    • Investment in the campaign
    • Pre-conditions for success
  • Planning a Capital Campaign
    • Assessing the risks and opportunities by conducting research and a feasibility study
    • Developing your capital campaign
    • Establishing the timetable
    • Selecting and recruitment of staff, volunteers, and leaders and identifying their roles
    • Your case for support and campaign materials
  • Managing the Campaign
    • Identifying the key phases of the capital campaign structure
    • Managing expectations
    • Applying appropriate solicitation tactics
    • Learning how to keep you, your team, and the campaign on track
  • Closing the Campaign
    • Converting pledges to donations
    • Developing donor stewardship and post campaign relationships
    • Planning and preparing for what is next
    • Recording and reviewing lessons learnt

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