We offer successfully proven training and continuing education opportunities for associations, charities, clubs, foundations, NGO and other non-profit organisations.
Major Donor Fundraising can contribute to realising your organisation’s ambitions. It is therefore critical to develop skills to ensure the effectiveness of efforts to secure these large financial sums. Knowing which techniques to employ and how best to implement them is vital to maximising the prospects of your Major Donor Fundraising efforts.
This course covers the three key types of Major Donor Fundraising: individual major gifts, corporate partnerships and legacy fundraising. These domains of Major Donor Fundraising make it distinct from other forms of fundraising and it is therefore critical to undertake each of these areas, and the characteristics that are unique to them, well to ensure your organisation is realising its fundraising potential.
Enhancing your fundraising methods can maximise your Not-for-Profit Organisation’s (NPO) potential. This course offers insights into international best practices and guidance on integrating them into your organisation for success.
Led by top experts, this training equips you with the skills needed to thrive in the European fundraising landscape.
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The objective of the seminar is to provide you with up-to-date knowledge with regard to carrying out online campaigns and fundraising measures in theory and in practice and to consolidate existing expertise.
In this seminar you will learn in a compact way the whole project life-cycle, how to develop a project management plan as well as how to use the most important tools in order to master the necessary skills to manage your projects. You will experience tips and tricks and how to avoid pitfalls.
In this grant-writing seminar, you will learn how to draft winning funding applications and reports professionally in order to increase your chances of success. You will learn what you need to be aware of and what the pitfalls are.